by Siddhesh Bisani

Project Description: The student’s extended essay in economics examines the effectiveness of subsidies in the Gujarat Solar Power Policy 2021 in internalizing the positive externalities of solar panel consumption from 2021 to 2023. His research clearly defines its purpose and focus, making it well-suited for economic analysis. Using a diverse range of sources, including highly effective primary data, the student employs a sophisticated methodology appropriate to his research question. His essay addresses consumption externalities, linking them with concepts such as elasticity and corrective policies. Throughout, there is evidence of a mature understanding of economic theory, with both research and analysis demonstrating high standards. Concluding comments effectively connect the analysis to the research question, resulting in a focused and reasoned argument based on quantitative data. The argument is well-structured and coherent, reflecting excellent research and analysis. The student has shown significant commitment to his extended essay, displaying a high level of intellectual and personal engagement. His work demonstrates authenticity and a creative approach, with thoughtful planning and evaluation of decision-making throughout. This essay was completed as a compulsory requirement of the IB program.

Project Outcome: Extended Essay for IB submission.

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