by Dev Sheth

Project Description: At the start of this academic year, he was already slightly engaged in the Visual Effects area and aimed to explore it more deeply, with the next stage being CGI (3D computer graphics essential in movies). Simultaneously, his interest in jewelry designing grew, and he spent the summer learning jewelry designing and casting techniques under professional guidance at a manufacturing unit.

In the first term, he studied both topics at his own pace. In the CGI project, he covered all the basics to advanced techniques such as modeling, lighting, shading, texturing, and rendering, creating animations like airplane designs with realistic clouds and magical floating cubes with cinematic lighting. In the jewelry sector, he nearly mastered the art of designing rings and casting them in chosen metals, adding necessary gems or diamonds, creating pieces that are professional and market-worthy.

For the second term, he reevaluated both projects and decided to merge them to create something novel. His designs focused on the style and preferences of millennials, Gen Z, and younger demographics. For example, he envisioned creating unique items like an Iron-Man pendant, despite the limited market for such jewelry. Mastering these skills could potentially give him a competitive edge in the business aspect of jewelry design.

In his CGI project, he learned to sculpt 3D characters and creatures in Blender over the past few months. He also gained insights into how pendants and bracelets function and are made and casted, broadening his scope in jewelry design. Currently, he is working on a ‘dragon bracelet’ that he designed and will cast this month. Additionally, he sold his first piece of jewelry, an 18-carat gold ring that fetched around 20k.

Looking forward to the coming year, he aims to sell more products and build an original inventory of 15 to 20 pieces of jewelry. His goal is to explore new industries and categories related to artistic and design topics.

Project Outcome: Designing personally styled jewelry and selling a few products

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