by Sanchi Khanna

Project Description: The series “Prakrutik Tatv” or “Natural Elements” is a collection of six artworks, each representing a distinct force of nature: Water, Air, Fire, Land, Sky, and Space. Each artwork features a black dot at the center and green triangular shapes at the corners, with blue and brown borders.

Water: This artwork is based on a blue theme, featuring waves painted in various hues of blue. The waves, emerging from the center, have patterns like lines and swirls. Other shapes in shades of blue and sea green depict ocean colors. Outwards, the artwork includes coral reefs, mermaid scale designs, swirly textures, and droplet-like structures resembling water.

Air: This piece has a blue theme with repetitive elements. At the center, cloud-like shapes in gray, greenish blue, and blue, with swirls, represent the flow of air. As the artwork progresses, actual cloud shapes with repetitive lines in different shades of gray appear. There are bursts of air and thunderstorm-like clouds with brush strokes representing air’s force.

Fire: A warm-toned artwork with orange, red, and yellow colors. Layers of blue, white, light blue, chrome yellow, and red emerge from the center, mimicking a flame. Outlining these layers are chains of chrome yellow flames with red details and fireballs around the artwork’s circumference.

Land: Featuring a light green background, this artwork includes elements symbolizing land. Brown mountains with jagged lines and gray stones emerge from the center. Various green leaves with intricate details, a pink flower bed, blue swirls representing flowers, and green mountain-like structures with colorful dots fill the artwork.

Sky: This artwork is divided into two parts. The inner circle around the black dot has light blue cloud-like structures and flowing lines with swirly patterns, representing the daytime sky. A sun is placed beside this area. The artwork transitions to darker blue and purple layers, representing the night sky, with a moon beside it. The circumference features a black area with white lines dividing it into sections, filled with stars in yellow, white, and purple. The background includes sparkles and shooting stars.

Space: Representing the cosmos, this artwork features big black patches around the black dot and throughout, filled with lighter blue lines. Oval-shaped structures in galaxy colors blend with purple and blue, outlined in purple. Planets closest to the center include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, each with distinctive textures. This series of artwork connects with the elements of nature and showcases the artist’s interpretation of these natural forces.

Product Outcome: Series of Artwork

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