by Geetaanshi AgrawalProject Outcome: A real-life SDG task that can be implemented by an everyday person. Project…
by Pulkit PodarProject Outcome: Presentation on “Poverty eradication” created using the digital design platform Canva. Project Description:…
by Pujan Sutariya, Yana Beladia, Meet PatelProject Outcome: This initiative has made significant progress toward SDG 4…
by Aanya Jain, Alyssa BansalProject Outcome: Working model of Eco city Project Description: In the Project-Based Learning…
by Ajinkya Thakor , Purv BombaywalaProject Outcome: Students created a working model of a windmill that generates…
by Dhyana Gupta, Samarpit Vidhani Project Outcome: As part of their energy unit PBL, students designed balloon-powered…
by Vivan Guha, Vihana KhemkaProject Outcome: Solar Boat Project Description: As part of Project Based Learning(PBL) under…
by Arjun Shah, Bhani ManghaniProject Outcome: A vehicle running on solar power Project Description: This project aimed…
by Pal Patel Project Outcome: The student designed a sustainable energy consumption model, focusing on efficient energy…
by Kevya Mangukiya Project Description:Kevya Mangukiya’s G10 personal project focused on the creation of eco-friendly plates and…