by Prisha Mehta

Project Description: Prisha’s Personal Project involved designing and creating fashion products, including clothing and jewelry, inspired by ocean conservation and the Hindu mythological story ‘Samudra Manthan’. She developed a lookbook featuring 16 original designs for two seasons (Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter), each with an idea-board, final sketch, accessory sketch, color palette, and description. From this lookbook, four looks were selected for production, resulting in four clothing pieces and three jewelry pieces. Additionally, Prisha produced a campaign video to advertise the products and a process video detailing the creation procedure.

Product Outcome: For production, 4 looks were selected out of the lookbook and 4 pieces of clothing along with 3 pieces of jewelry were made. A campaign video was created that advertised the products along with a process video that visually showcases the coherent procedure followed to create the pieces of clothing and jewelry.

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